Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Battle was won

Everywhere you look there are Laysan Albatrosses nesting and dancing and when you pass them they'll stand and look at you.  It's such an odd moment when they look at you just as curiously as you are looking at them.  I was never really a bird person (although don't tell anyone here that) but now I may be changing my mind.  There are around 388,00 nesting pairs of birds on the island and then they estimate an extra 1 juvenile for every pair so just a crazy amount of birds and that's just for the one species.  There's also two other kinds of albatrosses and lots of other kinds of birds.  The birds actually won the battle for Midway.  The whole island revolves around them which is kind of nice compared to the city where nature has almost been completely squeezed out.  Essentially my days and nights are filled with albatrosses and I love them.

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